There is small town near Munich with name Planegg. There was born Planegg Mobile Entertainments. Idea was to make Android Apps. At the beginning it meant lot’s of learning and reading books about Android. And then first Apps were was born.
First App was Words Trainer.

It’s quiz app which helps very quickly to learn hundreds of words every day. Why Words Trainer ? Because it was need to learn german language. This app reached quickly to several thousand users.
Next App and first game was Predator. This was first game. Why switch to Games ? Answer is that audience is way larger than language learning Apps have. This was real 3D game and it needed more time to read books again.
Game is developed in pure OpenGL. Game achieved quickly tens of thousands users and it was interesting to develop it but somehow numbers were not good enough.

So was need to create some other type of game.
New App was Traffic Racing Cockpit. This is quite simple racing game where user have only one car . It achieved quickly much higher popularity than Predator.
After that was born similar much way more improved games Traffic Racer 3D, and Traffic Racer InCar.

These games achieved each more than million or many millons of downloads.